Thursday, September 25, 2008

Batboat Rebuild: Day 8 September 16, 2008

Consistant warm, beautiful weather at last!

Six days after coming back from Flint with the sheets of marine and outdoor grade fir plywood I started on the Batboat in ernest.

This is mid-September and I am in a race against the approaching cold Michigan weather. I need to get as much done as possible, before it gets too frigid for fiberglass resin to solidify.

First order of business was to properly cut the 3/4" marine ply I trace the transom patterns on.

With the new jigsaw, the top and the sides of the pattern were cut from the plywood at a zero degree angle. However, since the transom wall of the hull slants back 15 degrees I made the bottom cuts accordingly so it sits perfectly flat at the bottom of the hull.

Above you see that the one of the two 3/4 inch plys fits perfectly. But when the rear splash well is fitted on the boat the second sheet gets in the way. To fix this I left one plywood sitting in the boat as I traced the splash well around it and cut that part out.

It fits perfectly, now.

I cut the new transom pieces while sitting on it from my concrete porch. I've had metal saw horse assembly things in my back room for months and if I was to continue making the other structural parts they will be needed.

Putting those things took much longer than I expected. A majority of that day's work was making the saw horses.

This day's work was about two or three hours including breaks to think things out and clean up.

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