Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Getting closer...

Work is still ongoing.  Not much left to do to the boat but more painting and sanding which is something I hate to do.  Some upholstery, also.  Its a big job.

I won't be finished this year because I am relocating to another part of the state before winter, God willing.

After that I'll have a garage to work out of and things will progress more smoothly and quicker than how it had been in the past.

Stay tuned!!!


  1. Looking so good, Darren. This will be one sweet bat boat!


  2. Wow haven't been here in over a year- maybe 2! I'm amazed you're still at it, most quit half way thru. I like how it's coming along especially the dash. What engine are you going to use?

  3. I am still at it.

    Will finish it this year. I bought a new house in a better city in October, 2012 and it has taken up a lot of my time and energy.

    However, I intend to finish the Batboat this year.

    Work starts around June.

    Stay tuned!

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