Monday, June 22, 2009

New Batman Frozen Treat

A company called Blue Bunny is making a new "frozen confection;" Cherry flavored Batman with bubble gum eyes on a stick.

You'll probably find it at most party and convenience stores.

It has zero fat content, too. One bar is only 100 calories. Total carbs is 25 grams. 15mg of sodium.

It tasted pretty good, too. Smiley

I've been taking a break from working on the Batboat. Got a lot accomplished over the past two weeks. Will post all the updates soon.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Batboat Rebuild: Day 22 June 3, 2009

Today was spent doing little things around the boat in preparation for laminating the in the new transom plywood.

I didn't have enough polyester fiberglass tooling resin or good weather last year to finish the job. Today, 9 months later, I finally glassed on the layer of 1.5 oz Chopped Strand Mat cloth to the backside of the transom wood.

Chopped Strand Mat is the "primer" of fiberglassing. The woven side of the Biaxial Mat 1708 nor the 6 oz. fiberglass Hexcel cloth I have will not adhere to bare plywood without it.

The day before, I had prepared the hull for the new stringers and deck by grinding a little of the hulls surface away with the grinder. There wasn't much to see so I didn't take pictures.

5 gallons of Polyester resin and other fiberglassing items arrived over the weekend. The 404 Tooling Resin from U S Composites came in a cumbersome 5 gallon pail. I was hoping for five one gallon jugs but no such luck. The bucket isn't drip proof so I lose a couple ounces of resin each time I pour out a new batch to mix. It is better to funnel it into a gallon container left over from last year and dispense from there.